Sunday, May 10, 2009

Police Blitz

Reading the news over at the age and they have an article about a Police blitz on cyclists and pedestrians in the CBD. Bike Boy will be on his best behaviour for the rest of the week and would suggest that anyone cycling in and around the CBD do the same. Of course Bike Boy would like to say that he is on his best behaviour most days. He'd like to ;)

The news report highlights some key points and number one is always a debatable issue. Check them out below:

- Cyclists must not ride their bike on the footpath unless aged under 12. The only exception is if the footpath is a designated bike path.

- Cyclists cannot ride their bike across a pedestrian crossing. To cross the road at a pedestrian crossing they must get off their bike and push it across the road.

- Cyclists must stop at red lights.

- If there is a no-through road such as Bourke Street Mall, cyclists are not allowed to enter. To enter the area cyclists are required to get off their bike and push it.

- Cyclists must wear a helmet at all times.

- Cyclists cannot ride their bike on a tram track.

- Cyclists must obey all speed limits.

- Cyclists must have a bell on their bike at all times.

- Cyclists must stop and give way to pedestrians getting on and off a tram.

They will also be targeting j-walkers so to anyone who works in the CBD maybe cross at the lights this week instead of running across the street.

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