Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Charity Rides

Last month Bike Boy was involved in the annual MS Melbourne Summer Cycle, a charity ride benefitting Multiple Sclerosis Australia. Last year they made an impressive total (which I've long since forgotten) but this years total was aimed at $350 000. I'm happy to say they acheived that result, plus a little extra, with the total just in today reaching $442 591.

The ride itself takes in some of Melbourne's CBD and inner west with a nice loop through some of Bike Boy's local digs. You can view the course map here if you're really keen. This year saw us start and finish in Princes Park and whilst we kicked off at stupid o'clock (anything before 10:00 on a Sunday morning is stupid o'clock) it was a decent ride in to Carlton in the wee hours of the morning. Thankfully it was a bit warmer this yeah and the warmers were off well and truly before hitting the start line.

After some completely incoherent announcer trying to talk up the event over the PA we had a guest starter in Melbourne's new Lord Mayor Robert Doyle. I'm sure he said something very positive about encouraging cyclists but the jury is still out on Mr Doyle as I'm unsure as to whether his promise about removing busses from the CBD has actually come to fruition. Once he said his bit we were off down Royal Parade and into the city. It was a smart move by the organisers to run us that way as it spread the groups out while waiting for traffic lights. With the exception of some boat-head on a dually riding everywhere he pleased, and the constant stop starting clip-out clip-in of course.

Once through the city we were out to Port Melbourne and the up and over the Westgate Bridge, truly the highlight of the ride! The MS Ride always cuts a course over the outbound side of the Westgate bridge and while not necessarily the best side for photo opportunities it does make the descent a bunch of fun. Bike Boy wasn't as fast on the way down compared with Around the Bay but 60km/h on the Bowery is plenty fast enough.

It was a trouble free event after that with the group completing the ride before 10.30 in the morning and having time for a stroll around the park afterwards. MS put on a bit of a party at the end of the ride but for the Pedal Monkeys the lure of beer and brunch drove us back out to Kensington. The Quiet Man puts on a mean breakfast for those interested.

This year there were only 3 of us but I'm sure we'll have more join us in future years. A good ride all for charity, and a lot less intimidating if you fancy riding over the Westgate without doing Around the Bay. I'll certainly be signing up next year.

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